"Stellar" por Ignacio Torres
Uma terapia gratuita que todo mundo pode ter é o FFFFOUND. Fico horas e horas salvando imagens e pesquisando sobre designers, fotografos e artistas novos que conheço através desse site. Daí, achei esse Ignacio Torres e uma série de fotos chamada ''Stellar'' que parte da teoria de que os seres humanos são feitos de matéria cósmica, como resultado da morte de estrelas. Lindo não? Ele mesmo conta mais:
“This project began from the theory that humans are made of cosmic matter as a result of a stars death. I created imagery that showcased this cosmic birth through the use of dust and reflective confetti to create galaxies. The models organic bodily expressions as they are frozen in time between the particles suggest their celestial creation. In addition, space and time is heightened by the use of three-dimensional animated gifs. Their movement serves as a visual metaphor to the spatial link we share with stars as well as their separateness through time.”
Quer mais imagens? Então vejam seus gifs incríveis aqui: http://bumbumbum.me
*bum bum bum - que nome é esse? hahaha!*
“This project began from the theory that humans are made of cosmic matter as a result of a stars death. I created imagery that showcased this cosmic birth through the use of dust and reflective confetti to create galaxies. The models organic bodily expressions as they are frozen in time between the particles suggest their celestial creation. In addition, space and time is heightened by the use of three-dimensional animated gifs. Their movement serves as a visual metaphor to the spatial link we share with stars as well as their separateness through time.”
Quer mais imagens? Então vejam seus gifs incríveis aqui: http://bumbumbum.me
*bum bum bum - que nome é esse? hahaha!*
Marcadores: #bluesteel, fotografia, fotos, Ignacio Torres